What can you expect from a session?
The journey begins with you identifying the questions you’re most eager to explore. Bring these with you to the session, as they’ll guide our time together. When we meet, our session typically lasts 4 to 5 hours, but I’ve set aside the entire day for you. This allows us the flexibility to take as much time as we need to dive deeply into your thoughts and goals.
Induction: I will guide you through a visualization exercise. We are going to ask your conscious mind to step aside for a little bit and relax because we want to get your right-brain fired up! This is where your memories and images are stored. This will get your intuition or inner sight going.
Past Life Exploration: This is the point where your digital recording will begin. We will explore a past life/experiences. To most people, these present as actual past lives they are experiencing; to some, it seems like a movie they are watching. Your Subconscious/Higher Self always takes you to an experience that you best respond to and always corresponds to your personal belief system.
Connection with the Subconscious/Higher Self: This is a wonderful passage into an expansive energy. We learn the lessons or purpose of both positive and negative experiences as all have immense value in the progression towards spiritual and personal growth. At this time, we ask the questions you came with and discuss your physical and health issues for potential healing. The Subconscious will only choose to share information that is appropriate at the time and information that will be of benefit to you. The Subconscious has the ability to identify and change (if allowed) any physical problem it detects within the body and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or a past life.
Post Session Debrief: This experience is intended to lead you to a more complete and clearer communication between yourself and YOURSELF. We will spend some time integrating any insights received into your current life to discover a pathway to a more joyous and satisfying way of BEING. I will provide you with the audio recording before we part.
It is my hope that your experience will bring a realization of greater peace and understanding – which in turn brings self-love, forgiveness, and compassion.
Dolores Cannon
QHHT is a technique of hypnosis created by Dolores Cannon which she has developed and refined over her 45-year career as a regressive hypnotherapist, working with thousands of clients in countries all over the world. The session usually lasts 4-5 hours and it includes the interview, a regression, questions to the Higher Self / Sub Conscious and an audio recording.
What does it feel like it go into trance?